The U.S. Educational National Team Members
The Educational National Team members include groups of individuals, organizations and businesses that are stakeholders that are committed to work with school districts in need of improvement towards the national annual objectives in increasing educational standards. Each member will provide their expertise in their assigned area of education.
Each member will be invited to serve a three year term by the National Team organizer, the New Jersey Minority Educational Development Organization, based on 3 major categories:
- They currently have an educational initiative that is targeting students from early-childhood thru college.
- They have established resources and personnel across the country.
- They have educational programs and services available for both students and their families.
Once they are selected they will form a 7 member board of directors and then selected a chair to coordinate the activities of the USENT. The chair will work directly with NJMED in implementing all programs and services.
Responsibilities of the USENT member will include the following:
- Meet annual and review policies and practices effecting the development of America’s educational standards and, suggest areas of need for improvement.
- Following the annual meeting, submit a list of 3–5 criteria that would assist USENT in better preparing programs and services for the upcoming school year. Submissions will come from USENT chair. They will be forwarded to NJ MED for posting on the national website.
- Assist in identifying other organizations and potential sources of programs and services that can support the USENT if needed.
- Provide assistance as needed in setting up promotional campaigns under direct supervision by NJ MED for that activity.
- Explore ways to make the USENT more effective at local and state levels by securing industry’s help.
- Assign a representative from their organization to attend USENT forums and meetings with public officials.
- Work with local USENT organizers to promote increased USENT participation and membership at the local and state levels with state department‘s of Education.
- Assist in other areas as determined by the USENT chair.
(NOTE: Individuals selected to represent their organizations should have direct access to their Executive Director or President.)